Assalamualaikum . .
okeyh i admit yg almost 8 months aku xhupdate blog ni
mgkin xde masa, malas, xde idea . .
aku tergerak nk hupdate blog ni pon sbb
masterpiece aku tnye, dh lama ea xhupdate blog
xsangka rupa nya dy stalker terhebat blog ak ni . heee
hurmm sepnjng 8 bulan ak xhupdate ni
mcm2 yg dah hepen kt diri aku
alhamdulillah, officially graduated from KUIS
Diploma in Education (TESL)
aku tgah cuti sem actually,
skrg dh jd student uitm .
alhamdulillah . . lepas dh satu sem
tp mang xde rezeki nk smbung TESL
ALLAH dh ada yg terbaik tok aku
i'm taking Bachelor of Applied Language Studies (Hons.) Malay Language for Professional Communication
major aku Bahasa Melayu and minor aku business . . gile menggelabah lah aku nnti
haha tp insya ALLAH, i'll do my best
and my masterpiece pon alhamdulillah
skng di UiTM Jengka .
Bachelor (Hons.) of Sports Science
kos yg dy impikan . . minat dy jugak kn
tp dy untung la . terus masuk Part 3 . pastuh kerek dngn aku
insya ALLAH, semoga ALLAH permudahkan urusan dia . .
jngn tensen2 ea . awk tuh senior . .
okay . . masterpiece dh ngntok sngt uh . .
okay masterpiece . puas hati x saya dh hupdate blog ni
just tok awk k =)
hahahahha padan muka awak . . org soh pndng camera xnk kan =P . . budak kepala botak !
okeyhh . untuk this cake
would like to say thank you so much coz awak belikn
tok wt suprise masa hari konvo saya
kire macam awak nk tebus lah kn sbb xdpt dtg
even saya xdpt rasa sekli cake ni sya tetap appreciate
thank you so much my masterpiece
gtg . .
nnti budak botak tido lak . .